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Thinking of joining us? We look for volunteers that can give their time willingly and in a professional manner to support returning vulnerable missing people to a place of safety. Please read THIS first to find out more about us and then come back here.

Why join us

Being a member of HANTSAR is extremely rewarding. The team is friendly, welcoming and small enough to get to know everyone fairly quickly. The work we do for the police is important and essential, therefore whether our members are operational or support, we are all working towards a common goal of helping to find missing people.

A significant difference between us and many other charities is that we employ no paid staff. All our income (from fundraising activities, donations and occasional grants) is put towards our operational commitments. If you are looking for a voluntary role with a difference, then please do consider joining us.

Who joins HANTSAR?

We welcome team members from all walks of life. We have members in their 20s through to members in their 70s, so whatever age you are, you will fit in. (You must be over 18 to join us.) The word clouds below give examples of the sectors and jobs our members are involved with.

Operational or support member?